Mars Miniatures

Mars Miniatures

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Champions in the Nameless City

 So the low-light artsy pic and music compositions continue. This time a little background fluff accompanies them as well.  I forgot to mention that the last music composition name of "Lamentations of Istriya" was written long before the Istriya miniature was painted. So in fact Istriya the miniature was named after a piece of music I had composed at the start of the year. Although music is a rough term for a piece of ambient sound texture. This next fragment of sound was unnamed, so its now called "Champions of the Nameless City". Whereas, the Istriya sound is wistful, reflective and somber... this Champions sound is more action oriented, perhaps frantic (and claustrophobic?).  Also i guess this is a prequel story of sorts. We learn that Haystacks of the "new Fellowship" and Bortai of the "Rogues of Rhun" were once adventuring companions of an ill-fated expedition in the vast eastern lands of our campaign world.

So, onwards to pics, fluff, and the music vid at the end...

In the days before Sir Haystacks of Ringlo Vale was knighted, he traveled far into the East past the lands of Rhun with an adventuring party looking for treasures. He befriended a fellow adventurer called Bortai the Archer. Together they explored the nameless deserts, where an old hermit told them that these Jundland Wastes were not to be traveled lightly. But they heeded him not. Until at last, they came upon the Nameless City. A fabled and infamous place that no man had stumbled upon since the days of Abdul Alhazalred the Mad Arab. One by one, the adventuring party were taken by the horrors that dwelt in that city of the damned. Taken and infected, until new horrors sprouted from the bodies of their friends. And it was there that Haystacks and Bortai came to know the true meaning of despair and of the madness that lies in the dark corners of the earth. Best to leave these mindless gibbering nightmares slumbering in the forgotten decay of ancient ruins...
Haystacks: Those others are still alive. Their signs are real low, but they aint dead.

Bortai: You cant help them. Right now they are being cocooned just like the others. Haystacks, Im not going to wind up like those others. You'll take care of it wont you, if it comes to that.

Haystacks: If it comes to that, I'll do us both. Let's see that it doesnt.
Bortai: They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but we cannot hold them. We cannot get out. They are coming...


The music vid:



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