Mars Miniatures

Mars Miniatures

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Mordorheim - Zorelle of Minas Tirith

 And the roster of painted figures for the blog goes on! I wish I had some terrain or a mat to give the pics a  bit more color. In time...

For now, let's say that the world is slowly returning from a Limbo state. A new slate. Kind of like the mist in Dark Souls. 

And here in this post we have yet another strong female hero. A strange coincidence? Or has something happened in Middle Earth while we were away? Yes, this strange world lives on while we arent looking. We must decipher the mysteries of this place as we go along. In the previous world our focus was on the Dwarves and their journeys to reclaim their homeland. So in this new world we are finding a pattern emerging. Where are the men? Maybe the constant state of warfare has decimated the male population. It was called the War of the Ring afterall... Perhaps its climate change? Hormones? Saruman and his constant genetic meddling with his Uruk Hai has released magical pollution into the world. Or maybe its evolution itself twisting the lifeforms into something different. Afterall, in nearby Barsoom, the Warhoons have evolved to all come from communal eggs. Who knows? And we hear that Barsoom isnt so far from Mordor. Just a bit of a jog to the east. Maybe thats why the Easterlings keep coming our way. They were all being pushed out west by the Barsoomians. More mysteries for us to discover...

For now, lets bring our focus back to our latest female protagonist...

Meet Zorelle. From her hair you can tell right away shes a Targaryen. Somone should bring her a dragon egg and see if it hatches around her.
On her hip she carries a phial of some sort. It glows lightly at night especially when the stars shine. Or when someone whispers "Luthien Tinuviel..." It was a family hairloom. When she was young she heard that the phial might have been made in some ancient land called krypton.
Her childhood nickname was Kara. Yup, Kara.  Kara Zorelle.
She also carries an obsidian blade - The Black Sword of Erlech. Forged by ancient magicks from the Stone of Erlech. Many tales surround its properties that Zorelle knows nothing about. Yet.
Some one is coming! Zorelle has highly trained senses. She makes a good tracker. Or a "Strider" as trackers are known to be called in the common tongue.

Oh, its just Aly and a strangely dressed Witch of some sort.

Aly: Hey boss! I bring a friend and new recruit for our mercenary guild. And I havent found my lost pet yet. I ran out of "lost pet" posters when I ran into her. I need to print more copies.

Zorelle: Hail and well met Aly! And to you stranger!  I think I saw a Staples back there on Ithilien Avenue. Or it might have been an Office Depot. At any rate, its next to the Starbucks. This neighborhood sure has changed since I saw it last.

Istriya: I would like to join your gang. Err. Group. I need to make money quick. How do we do that?

Strange Apparition: I bring tidings to the Lady Elessar known as Zorelle of Minas Tirith. One, you are the One that has been prophesied about. The One who will bring peace to both Middle Earth and Barsoom. Two, your parents are just your foster parents - they only found you as a baby when your "ship" crashed on their farm. Three, your real parents come from Barsoom. Four, your last living relative has passed away in Barsoom and left you Castle Solitude near the City of Zodanga.

Istriya and Aly: And Five & Six, you now owe your soul and everlasting mortgage to the Bank of Gringotts. Yeah we get it! This bit is getting old.

Strange Apparition: Hey, its my day job. I am the Ghost of Mortgage Past, afterall. Dont shoot the messenger. You think I like bringing dark tidings to people day in and day out? 

 Zorelle: I can see now why we all need to go questing for gold. 


A bit of social commentary seems to have crept into our imaginary world. Pardon me. But its true! The Illuminati controls everyone! In case you hadnt heard the Illuminati is made up of Doctor Strange (who isnt a doctor at all, but a secret Istari wizard and a famous detective in his spare time), Iron Man (of House Stark), and Professor X (leader of the Dagorlad Marsh Mutants). Some real smart think tanks there.

So, Zorelle is a Kryptonian, Targaryen, Dunedain-ian, and Barsoomian messiah of some sort or another. Make sense since she seems to be the leader of our little group. And she carries a lot of heirloom level items and weapons. Is that the Phial of Galadriel? And is that sword... Stormbringer? So add Melnibonean to that long list of genealogies.

Our blog fluff is getting quite convoluted. If I make a mistake Im sure someone will point it out to me.

Cheers, Mar

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