Morathi, the Hag Queen of Ghrond, introduces her new pets...
Citadel C25 Minotaurs have arrived in Middle Earth!
They are anxious and frothing at the mouth to get some trampling done.
Morathi and a Minotaur Lord - Doombellow the Warped
OK actually this one figure, Doombellow is a C34 Minotaur Lord.
The rest are C25 figures.
Clubhorn Runesmasher and Ox-Roar Chaos Champion Of Ultimate Slaughter
Oh, hold on, Ox-Roar is also from C34.
Bloodcry the Beast and Abovus Snarlsteam
Bellough and Warbellow Battlingaxe
Nice group family photo
Doombellow: Sarah.... fwend....
Morathi: Im not Sarah, you big silly brute! And you arent in the Labyrinth anymore.
Doombellow: But Sarah.... fwend?
Morathi: And that spandex wearing Goblin King isnt here either. And how does a glam rocking humie even become a King of Goblins anyway?
Doombellow: (points at Morathi) Sarah... fwend!
Morathi: No! Me Morathi... You Doombellow... my magically impelled servant.
Doombellow: (begins grazing on some tall grass) Grass... fwend!
Morathi: Maybe, I should have conjured some C27 Chaos Harpies, or maybe even (gasp) some C25 Fimir...
What if... in real life you always add a Citadel Code to everything.
And this is just the start for these battle lovin' bovine.
I hope to expand these guys with another 6 Minotaurs at a future date.
Interesting that Ive paired Minotaurs and Dark Elves.
And that Bob Naismith has sculpted both ranges.
You know how music aficionados will organize their vinyl collection by different criteria?
What about arranging miniatures by sculptor!
In a future post, I should take pics of my painted figure shelves. (Not arranged by sculptor! But I am thinking of adding little Citadel code titles to the shelves!)
And also my Oldhammer rulebook shelves too.
Mars Miniatures

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
C13 Dark Elf General on Dragon Horse
So what exactly is a Dragon Horse?
Im not sure, but I do know that this Dark Elf General is riding one!
Must be one of those top secret Drow gene manipulation projects.
Is it just a spiny tailed pony?
Or can it breathe fire?
I hope the DM allows the latter...
These 2 figures are coded as C13 Heroic Adventurers, On Foot and Mounted
The mounted version is also noted as Dark Elf General on Dragon Steed.
Citadel C13 is a range of mounted and unmounted figures much like the C33 Mounted Adventurers range.
The other 5 figure sets in this range are just as amazing.
I sure would love to get my hands on a Kaleb Daark.
Or those Chaos Brothers...
As always you can get info on all things Oldhammer from
These figures were sculpted by Bob Naismith, like most of my favorite Dark Elf figures from this era.
That Dragon Steed sure is a strange (but cool) spiny tailed creature.
There is something baroque about the sculpting of this figure.
In fact, I think Drow/Night Elf/Dark Elf music must be Baroque (pfff Classical is for pansies)
So this dismounted figure is going to be the General's Horse Holder/Personal Champion.
Also, a few posts back I showed off a partially painted Morathi.
Oh shame on me, for insulting the Mother of Malekith, First Hag Sorceress of Ghrond.
So she is back with a corrected post where she graciously returns all painted up to the 9s.
Now she is ready to torture and manipulate anyone in Middle Earth who stands in her way.
And a trio of terror, about to be unleashed upon our Middle Earth campaign.
Looks like the Holidays are upon us.
And I plan on getting some gaming done during them!
I have to wade through my commissions first, as I am embarrassed by the patience of my clients.
Then when the field is cleared... warfare in all its glory will unfold on this blog.
In the meantime, next post will have Morathi showing off her fine hoofed friends.
You know what that means... more Oldhammer monsters are showing up at the door!
Long awaited ones at that.
I need to re-update my Oldhammer Monster Manual some time in the new year.
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