Mars Miniatures

Mars Miniatures

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Baby Gundams in the Dungeon?

 Gods above, save me from these chibi gundams! Why are they in dungeons? Are they using Space Hulk rules? What is this report that Chibi Kaiju are in the mail and looking for a fight with these baby Gundams? Ah, dont fight it. This is the way.

I bought a case of these mini pop Gundams for the grandsons of my landlord. 8 boxes in the case and only 3 boy kids. Even if I gave the kids 2 boxes each, I could keep 2 for myself. 

So I opened "my" 2 boxes. Bad mistake. I fell in love. With baby Gundams! Yeah, I opened all the boxes... Now I need to buy another case or something else for the kids.

Oh no, I just ordered 20 boxes of "Kaiju" for the Gundams to fight. 

Oh no (again), I just ordered another 10 baby gundams of various types (gundams with wings, Zaku's cyclops gundams, zodiac gundams mouse and ox are too cute, justice strike freedom gundams, unicorn series gundams,). What is this black hole of chibi-ness that Ive fallen into?

I dont think Im going to come out of this nose-dive... Just go with it.



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Back To The Dungeon!

New post! New adventures into the depths of Moria!

Somewhere up on the Redhorn Pass near Zirakzigil, Slann and Banshee meet for an unlikely alliance. One is a Bullywug King and the other is an undead Elven princess of Ost-In-Edhil.

Bullywug King: Moria is overrun with foul Mythos creatures. If the free peoples of Middle Earth are to survive, some brave souls must enter it and close the Dimensional Gates deep below.

Banshee Princess: I have set events in motion. Our hope should be arriving....

A newly forged team of Heroes have arrived! Fresh faced and full of hope, like so many before them.

Group Leader: Lets go, team! Bigger than life!

The Marshal

This is going to be a walk in the park. This is feeding squirrels. 

He is chalant and gruntled. What? I wouldnt say he is nonchalant or disgruntled.

The Paladin

You know what guys? Im right where im supposed to be. But, I say that no matter where I am.

The Barbarian

There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throne room becomes a prison.

The Ranger

Fuck fish. Im never stepping into the ocean again.

The Astromancer

Pain? I hurt for the universe.

Even more Heroes arrive!

The Hunter

People die every day, mopping floors, washing dishes. You know what their last thought was? I never got my shot.

The Duellist

I have to return some videotapes.

The Pyromancer

Shake the hand that shook the world.

The Priest

Papa left us home alone. Ive been told to go to hell. Trust me, dont.

The Gladiator

Put the coffee down. Coffee is for closers.

Go forth, heroes and enter Moria! Banish the evils that lurk there!

Flash... Thunder! 

First wave has landed on the beach!

The Fell Beast has landed, I repeat... The Fell Beast has landed.

Flash... (no response!)

And evil wastes no time.

The Ranger: Enemies approach from the western archway!

Now my worst fears have come true!

Tomb Kings!

Undead from an ancient forgotten empire.

And battle is joined.

Violence has been chosen! Still a better love story than twilight.

Cursed blade meets castle forged steel.

Why wont they love us with open arms? What is it about these scumbags?

With spell and arrow, the heroes hold their ground.

Bullseye! Good shot! 

Anywhere I put that kid, the ball will find him.

But its only a small victory.

In a very long journey!


Hiya buddies.

Been awhile since Ive posted. Just adjusting to a new life with dialysis. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. But I do feel tired all the time, dialysis day or not. So anything I say, add a month to it.

But next week, I will try to have a small dungeon skirmish.

