The Mouth of Sauron has come to Bree!
This figure has the Citadel code: ME-55 Mouth of Sauron, Evil Warrior Mage
Apparently, he has great knowledge of the Dark Arts.
Considering his master is the Dark Lord Sauron, I would say he is the envy of Dark Lord groupies the whole (Middle)Earth over.
Especially those precious snowflakes - the Death Eaters!
Even their Lord Voldemort is a fake wannabee Dark Lord.
The Mouth of Sauron is the real deal, who serves the true Dark Lord.
There is only one Dark Lord, and he is a giant Lidless Eye in Mordor that does not sleep!
Eddard Stark: The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!
The ambassador for the Black Lands of Mordor is here and he
has been given the authority to deal with the humans of Eriador.
The deal is... submit to the Dark Lord of Mordor or die!
The Mouth is also the Lieutenant of Barad-Dur.
Barad-Dur of course is the Dark Tower, where Sauron resides in Mordor.
The Mouth might or might not be a few thousand years old.
Also, he is a Black Numenorian, which means he is kinda like Aragorn, but evil.
Think Elf and Dark Elf.
OK bad example, as I am pro-Dwarf and inclined to say that all Elves are indeed evil.
I always figured that the Mouth of Sauron got his name like an old school "wise guy".
Those mobsters always got names from some silly thing.
Like Vinnie "Car Wash", Jimmy "Gooch", or Joey "The Horse".
I figure in his youth, the Mouth of Sauron had a harmless first name like... Mikey.
But he was kinda talkative, so they called him Mikey "The Mouth".
Yup, that was his mob name.
Hey, fuhgeddaboudit!
The fact that the Mouth of Sauron is
accompanied by the Warriors of Chaos and an elite Hobgoblin unit shows
the level of trust placed upon him by the Mordor High Command.
Chieftain Taklo Makan: This Aragorn is known as Strider. He's supposed to be very good with a blade. But only in matters of business, or of some sort of reasonable
complaint. His business is narcotics. He has the fields in Forlindon past the Grey Havens, where
they grow the poppy. In the Riverlands, the Freys have the plant to process it into "milk of the poppy". He needs cash and he needs protection from the police for which
he gives a piece of the action, I couldn't find out how much. The Karstark Family is behind him here in Bree so they have to be in it
for something.
Mouth of Sauron: What about his prison record?
Chieftain Taklo Makan: Two terms, one in Angmar, and one in King's Landing.
Mouth of Sauron: Uthmog, what do you think?
Uthmog Elvenblade: There's a lot of money in that drug stuff.
Mouth of Sauron: Chief?
Chieftain Taklo Makan: Well, I say yes. There is more money potential in narcotics than
anything else we're looking at now. If we don't get into it, somebody
else will, maybe one of the Five Families, maybe all of them. And with
the money they earn they'll be able to buy more police and political
power. Then they come after us. Right now we have the unions and we have
the gambling and those are the best things to have. But narcotics is a
thing of the future. If we don't get a piece of that action we risk
everything we have. Maybe not now, but ten years from now.
Mouth of Sauron: Then its decided, we go to war. These things got to happen every couple of years.
Uthmog Elvenblade: Dont worry, boss, this Aragorn fella will soon be sleeping with the fishes... I'll make him an offer he cant refuse.
Mouth of Sauron: Hey, fuhgeddaboudit...
Not sure exactly why this suddenly became a Mafioso thing, but some vengeance, or vendetta as its called in the old tongue is about to unfold on this blog.
No, thats not how it goes now, is it?
Oh! Its vendetta, in the ancient tongue. The art of kanly is still alive!
Ahhh, now its becoming an Arrakis Dune desert planet thing (which of course is just Godfather in space ;p)
Fluff wires getting crossed multi-dimensionally again.
On the bright side, there is nothing now in the way of a good old battle report or 5!
All miniatures for the Bree campaign are done!
Stay tuned true believers, War is Coming!!!!!!
Mars Miniatures

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
The East is Red... Hobgoblin Red
Old General: We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Young Prince: The open steppe, a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, wind in your hair.
Old General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Old General: That is good! That is good.
Young Prince: The open steppe, a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, wind in your hair.
Old General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Old General: That is good! That is good.
I know that this post's title "East is Red" is a Chinese thing, and the minis featured below have Japanese armor...
And also the quote from Conan is actually Mongolian (Jenghis KHAAAAAANNNNN!).
But what balances out all this misappropriation is that... not all Warhammer Goblins have green skin!
And now we have proof.
Finally, on this blog we have some fine examples of some red-skinned Hobgoblins.
Hobgoblin special rules to note: Frenzy, Scouts, Poisonous Attacks.
So basically they have a high output of poisonous attacks and at start of game they can deploy ahead of the battle lines.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
A unit of 20 vintage Hobgoblins ready for battle
12 came from the box set shown below, and the other 8 are from the C36 line, all sculpted by Aly Morrison.
Another White Box set here and it is coded as DL2 Aly Morrison's Hobgoblin Warriors.
The front of the box is the same as all the other White Boxes, but the backs were different.
The back of the white boxes have this text:
The miniatures in this set are suitable for use with role-playing, tabletop and other games. They may be painted and collected or made into miniatures scenes (dioramas).
Thats interesting, besides rpgs & tabletop games ... what other types of games are there?
These guys dont have names, so I named some of them with suitably eastern sounding ones...
Left to Right: Ogadai the Champion, Sorgan Shiro the Shaman, Banner Bearer, Warrior with Spear
Ogadai is the enforcer of the Clan and carries out the will of the Chief.
Sorgan Shiro carries a magic skull. He is the witch doctor; Oh little sicky, seems to be the pain?
Left to Right: Taklo Makan the Chieftain, Snooter the HobHound, Jamuga the Hound Master, and Hob-Ninja.
Taklo Makan is the Big Kahuna of this Clan.
Snooter the HobHound is just a pup, but he is already a good tracker (and he sure is a cute little feller!)
Jamuga the Hound Master makes sure Snooter doesnt get rabies from any wild Wolves.
Left to Right: Suurgatmish the Discipline Master, Warrior, Berserker, Warrior with Naginata
Suurgatmish keeps the morale of the unit in good order.
Don't turn around, oh uh oh
Der Kommissar's in town, oh uh oh
And if he talks to you, then you'll know why
The more you live, the faster you will die
More Hobgoblins from the C36 range.
Without putting too much thought into it, I think these are my favorite Goblin/Orc figures of all time.
Sure later Orcs are bigger, meaner, Gobbos are more funny looking, but Aly Morrison really hit something here with these sculpts.
There is a sinister intelligence in these fellas.
For those who dont know, Aly Morrison along with Trish Morrison headed up Marauder Miniatures back in the day.
While the Marauder Orcs and Gobbos are good, I dont think they can stand up to the quirky charms of these earlier sculpts.
They look Lawful Evil to me.
Im sure those early sculptors took alot of their cues from AD&D Monster Manuals.
Which makes sense if you remember that early Citadel and TSR were partners for a bit.
Oh and the Fiend Folio was a collaboration between the 2 companies!
“Move swift like the Wind and be in close formation like the Forest. Attack the enemy like Fire and be as stoic as the Mountain.”
Like the Chaos Knights in the last post, these Hobgoblins are in Midgewater Marsh and are part of the entourage of an important high official from Mordor.
In the next post we will find out who this mysterious figure is.
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