Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Lamentations of Istriya

 Why is Istriya lamenting? Well, she is the orphan witch of Pinnath Gelin. 

Havent really dug into her backstory much beyond that. 

But she does wear Dr Marten boots with their trademark yellow laces. Pretty cool, right?

And, she now has a Dryad follower and an Owl familiar. She should be thankful for that. 

Shes got a band of like minded mercenary friends. So, why so sad, Istriya?

Must be the atmospheric ambient, light goth music that is titled "The Lamentations of Istriya" attached to her pic below... problem solved.

But really I intend to put Istriya into an RPG adventure inspired by Lamentations of the Flame Princess, at least sometime in the near-ish future.

So Istriya isnt really Lamenting, just about to go RPG Lamenting...


So we have some artsy music and an artsy pic in this post.

I tried to experiment using low light photography. But I really know nothing about the finer points of it. Probably should try reading up or watching some photography "how-to's".

And I coupled the pic with an original music score made with Bandlab's Cakewalk. Which was once Sonar? I dont know, I was always more of a Reason user from Propellerhead.

So the pic and the music video follows...

And the music vid...

Bonus pic:

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